Outdoor Gear Lab Sunglasses | KOALAEYE OPTICAL

Outdoor Gear Lab Sunglasses

What progressive spectacle lenses are best?

Essilor is a brand, and it designs, manufactures, and markets a wide range of lens products to help people correct and protect their vision. Essilor adheres to the corporate mission of 'improving vision, improving life', invests 200 million euros in research and development every year, and constantly launches new products to enhance consumers' experience in wearing glasses. Continuous innovation has always been the core gene of Essilor. In 1959, Essilor created the resin lens, and in the same year, it invented the world's first progressive lens. Innovation involves technology, manufacturing, sales, and service. Based on innovation, they can make as many people as possible obtain visual health, and this is the driving force to promote their development.

OSKIDE night driving glasses

With excellent night vision, this product can provide you with clear vision when driving at night, on cloudy or rainy days. In addition, it can protect you from the sun's harmful rays and bright headlights. Made of durable materials, they are flexible enough to withstand strenuous exercise and high-intensity outdoor activities. Equipped with polarizing lenses, they reduce glare and improve clarity when bright lights may be distracting, so they are perfect for sunny days or night driving. And it has UV 400 UV protection function. It protects your eyes from harmful ultraviolet and blue light.

The superior properties of titanium glasses

They are light, around 40% of stainless steel. The hardness is high, about twice that of stainless steel and common steel, twice that of iron, and six times that of aluminum. In a world of ultra-low temperatures, titanium becomes harder and more superconductive, while steel becomes weaker and less capable. They have corrosion resistance, with no rust. Titanium does not rust in the sea for five years, while steel corrodes and deteriorates in seawater. The thermal conductivity of titanium is about the same as that of stainless steel. They are non-allergic materials. Titanium is a harmless material to the human body. More because it does not have an allergic reaction to the human body, it is one of the few metal materials used in medical science.

To protect the lens.

Avoid getting chemicals on your glasses, and if you do, rinse with water immediately. If there is sweat and grease on the glasses, they should be washed to avoid corrosion. Do not use clothes or towels to wipe the lenses. Rubbing the lens with a rough cloth can cause scratches on the surface of the lens. So it is best to use special glasses cloth when you wipe the lenses, and when you wipe the glasses, you must hold the glasses on one side of the frame with your hand, and then gently wipe the glasses with the glasses cloth. Remember not to overexert, otherwise, it is easy to cause frame and lens damage.

KoalaEye Gold rimless glasses - Lilac

The rimless frames focus on lightness, reducing the pressure on the wearer and increasing comfort. The rimless era says goodbye to the shackles of the frame. The pair of glasses are suitable for all face sizes. Free and comfortable, unique texture makes your temperament unique, gentle elegant, and charming. The radian is beautiful, and the craft is exquisite, in accordance with the feminine soft and gentle characteristic. They are not easy to lose, not easy to damage, durable. They reduce the contact area with the skin, safe and comfortable.

The principle can be followed when choosing glasses for people with round faces

Choosing the right frames is not an easy task. Choose a color closer to your skin or lighter than your eyebrows for a more natural look. In reality, there is no exact answer to choosing glasses based on face shape. The rule to follow when choosing glasses for a round face is to make up for the lack of a round face by choosing an angular style. The vertical lines of the frame should be narrow.


Pure titanium glasses

Pure titanium refers to a silver-white transition metal material with a titanium purity of more than 89%. The application of pure titanium as a chemical element to spectacle frames is undoubtedly an improvement and sublimation of spectacle materials. Pure titanium has many disadvantages such as high melting point, lightweight, strong corrosion resistance, metallic luster, firm electroplating layer. Also, titanium metal has beneficial physiological effects on the human body. It is an ecological trace element that is non-toxic and non-radiation to the human body. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and relieving stress.

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